Tag: TeamBashir
THE INVISIBLE HAND at Olney Theatre Center
The reviews for The Invisible Hand at Olney Theatre Center! Follow the links for the full articles.
*Washington Post, “As Bashir, Maboud Ebrahimzadeh purposefully sounds Pakistani by way of London, and he blends the character’s defensive ego with a savvy streak… you can almost hear the brain and the blood whir…”
*MDTheatreGuide, “Maboud Ebrahimzadeh… gives a performance that can send chills down your spine—not so much for the rare instances of violence—but for the complete portrayal of a man so conflicted and so desperate to believe in the rightness of his cause that he practically vibrates at times.”
*DCTheatreScene, “Maboud Ebrahimzadeh delivers a mighty, sinewy performance as the London-born revolutionary Bashir who travels back to his ancestral land to follow the charismatic Imam Saleem. He has to navigate a tightrope, balancing Bashir’s altruistic desires, passionate beliefs, and the appalling actions he ultimately takes.”
*DCMetroTheatreArts, “It would be hard to find a better portrayer of Bashir than Ebrahimzadeh, who completely embodies this character. He becomes Bashir…
*CultureSpotMC, Interview with Maboud Ebrahimzadeh and Thomas Keegan, Full Article.