Reviews of The Hatmaker’s Wife at Theater J
Here is what they are saying about the show:
*Washington Post, “…The hatmaker is Hetchman (played in riotous, larger-than-life caricature by Maboud Ebrahimzadeh)…”
*CityPaper, “…Ebrahimzadeh does a master class in mining, putting the maximum effort into laziness for physical comedy…. (Before seeing this, I had not laughed so much at the theater in months).”
*BroadwayWorld, “When Maboud Ebrahimzadeh’s Hetchman is introduced, he plays the physical comedy of the hatmaker’s laziness in a way that’s both hilarious and incredibly telling; over time, he reveals other aspects of the character, drawing the audience in without ever losing the core of the man who refuses to compromise his comfort, even for his most beloved possessions….”
*MDTheatreGuide, “A strange, modern fairytale…sure to enchant any theatergoer seeking whimsy and tragedy in equal parts.”
*DCTheatreArts, “Round House Theatre and Olney Theatre Center provided the audience with a multipage printed program full of highly relevant historical information about the complicated market of London newspapers.”
INK at Round House Theatre and Olney Theatre Center
Reviews of INK at Round House Theatre; co-produced with Olney Theatre Center
Here is what they are saying about the show:
*Washington Post, “… expert performances from the likes of Glenn, Ebrahimzadeh, Norris, Wallace and Scofield, names in a cast list that always signal polish and intelligence.”
*MetroWeekly, “Rock solid [is] Maboud Ebrahimzadeh, as stalwart News Editor Brian McConnell….”
*Talkin’Broadway, “Ebrahimzadeh gives an impassioned performance as one of Lamb’s early hires”
*, “Round House Theatre and Olney Theatre Center provided the audience with a multipage printed program full of highly relevant historical information about the complicated market of London newspapers.”
News: PILLOWMAN at Forum Theatre in 2016
This just in, Maboud Ebrahimzadeh will be playing the role of “Katurian” in Forum Theatre’s upcoming production of Martin McDonagh’s PILLOWMAN in early 2016.
For more information about Forum Theatre and their upcoming season, visit Forum Theatre.
News: THE INVISIBLE HAND at Theatre Exile
The Invisible Hand at Theatre Exile

Theatre Exile
May – June 2016
Maboud Ebrahimzadeh will be playing the role of Bashir in the upcoming Studio X production of The Invisible Hand by Ayad Akhtar. The production begins in May of 2016 at Theatre Exile in Philadelphia.
For tickets and more information, visit Theatre Exile.