Category: Press
*CityPaper, “Ebrahimzadeh brings Tom Waits’ vocal cadence to his role as an enterprising homeless man who wants to direct a big movie, and who briefly lures Garner away from her dowdy but loyal beau, Wilson…”
*DCTheatreScene, “It is the story of the boldness and self-confidence of Becker (Maboud Ebrahimzadeh), a man who lives in cardboard boxes and who is, ah, inattentive to matters of personal hygiene, who nonetheless pitches an idea for a guns-blazing conspiracy film, and who nods sympathetically when Susan (Julie Garner) complains about ‘dirt balls’….”
*Washington Post, “Goldman’s youthful cast adopts an agreeably gung-ho attitude — the right affect for this academic evening…”
*Maryland Theatre Guide, “As Becker, Maboud Ebrahimzadeh offers a memorable derelict/poet/visionary.”
SCORCHED at Forum Theatre
*Washington Post, “Ebrahimzadeh is icily indifferent as the creative sniper. It’s a solid company, reaching heights without ever pushing.”
*DCTheatreScene, “McWilliams, Strain, and Maboud Ebrahimzadeh (who plays, among others, a manic sharpshooter who takes gruesome photos of his victims) are excellent.”
*Silver Spring Patch, “Ebrahimzadeh as Nihad even manages to bring a few light, comical moments to what is otherwise very dark and gloomy, and manages to do it without making a parody of the subject matter…”
SEX & DESPERATION at Spotlighter’s Theatre
AS AMERICAN AS at Journeyman Theater
*Potomac Stages, “Ebrahimzadeh’s physical stance is iconic in appearance… most of his time on stage, he is unrecognizable as a human being, yet the audience can never take their eyes from him…”