THE BOOK OF WILL at Round House Theatre

The reviews for The Book of Will at Round House Theatre! Follow the links for the full articles.

*WashingtonPost, “… with winning lead turns from Todd Scofield and Maboud Ebrahimzadeh as the actors on a hunt…”

*CityPaper, “There’s really no reason this shouldn’t be the movie it already feels like, and it’s tough to imagine Hollywood could improve upon Round House Theatre’s cast: Todd Scofield and Maboud Ebrahimzadeh as Misters Heminges and Condell, respectively…”

*DCTheatreScene, “The chief virtue of Ryan Rilette’s production is the all-star ensemble and the rich variety of vibrant characters they bring to life… [Ebrahimzadeh’s Condell is] fiery and headstrong…”

*BroadwayWorld, “Henry Condell, hilariously played by Maboud Ebrahimzadeh… Under Ryan Rilette’s excellent direction, a uniformly marvelous cast gives one of the best ensemble performances I’ve seen this season of a very strong play.”

*EntertainmentOrDie, “… the leading pair of Scofield and Ebrahimzadeh really put the heart and soul into the story…”

*DCMetroTheatreArts, “Todd Scofield and Maboud Ebrahimzadeh give both these characters good presence…”

*MDTheatreGuide, “Ebrahimzadeh’s Condell offers a more fiery persona…”



*Washington Post, “The impressive ensemble… compellingly embody the contradictions of a onetime cradle of civilization where the laws of the jungle now hold sway.”

*DCTheatreScene, “Ebrahimzadeh’s Musa is a virtuoso of conflicting feelings and shifting loyalties…”

*Washingtonian, “Special kudos must go to Ebrahimzadeh for his tragic, funny, wonderfully realized Musa.”

*BroadwayWorld, “Played by Ebrahimzadeh… with With humor, dignity, and complexity, Musa is the heart of BENGAL TIGER… Ebrahimzadeh stands out in a uniformly strong acting ensemble. We really see much of the play through Musa’s eyes, and the actor handles the responsibility with truth and a depth of understanding that is riveting.”

*Maryland Theatre Guide “As Musa, Maboud Ebrahimzadeh gives a gut wrenching performance: you see what the war has done to his people.

*DC Metro Arts, “Ebrahimzadeh is superlative  – his acting is all of a piece and his cries of anguish sear into one’s soul.”

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