INK at Round House Theatre and Olney Theatre Center

Reviews of INK at Round House Theatre; co-produced with Olney Theatre Center

Here is what they are saying about the show:

*Washington Post, “… expert performances from the likes of Glenn, Ebrahimzadeh, Norris, Wallace and Scofield, names in a cast list that always signal polish and intelligence.”

*MetroWeekly, “Rock solid [is] Maboud Ebrahimzadeh, as stalwart News Editor Brian McConnell….”

*Talkin’Broadway, “Ebrahimzadeh gives an impassioned performance as one of Lamb’s early hires”

*, “Round House Theatre and Olney Theatre Center provided the audience with a multipage printed program full of highly relevant historical information about the complicated market of London newspapers.”

CURIOUS INCIDENT at Round House Theatre

Some of the reviews for CURIOUS INCIDENT OF THE DOG IN THE NIGHT TIME at Round House Theatre! 

Follow the links below to read the full articles and see what they are saying about the show.

*Washington Post, “… several talented performers take on myriad roles… Maboud Ebrahimzadeh also stands out as Christopher’s new, unwilling father figure.”

*MDTheatreGuide, “The rest of this dream cast includes Maboud Ebrahimzadeh… It’s brilliantly acted and produced and an unexpectedly sensory exploration of our world.”

*DCTheatreArts, “a well-conceived production… a theatrical marvel… Round House has assembled a fine supporting cast around the central character.”

*DCTheatreScene, “Round House’s ability to take us somewhere new—a peek inside the human mind—is revelatory and mysterious and well worth a visit to the theater.”


After A Long Trek, He Found His Truth

Maboud Ebrahimzadeh was nearly an athlete or a doctor. Life’s plot twists led him to theater.

Maboud Ebrahimzadeh, seen here in “The Book of Will,” is a Round House regular. (Kaley Etzkorn)

Maboud Ebrahimzadeh was on a California-bound road trip a decade ago, traversing the Rocky Mountains, when those snow-capped peaks triggered what he describes as a “mini-breakdown.”

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SMALL MOUTH SOUNDS at Round House Theatre

A bunch of reviews for Small Mouth Sounds at Round House Theatre are in! Follow the links for the articles below including a full on radio interview with WTOP!

*WTOP, “Small Mouth Sounds at Round House has crowds roaring at silent cast.” Full Interview Audio

*MDTheatreGuide, “This cast is small but mighty, everyone perfectly suited to both their character and also the larger challenge of conveying that character without the support of much dialogue…. This performance was an emotional triumph that truly took the audience on a personal journey along with the cast. I’d strongly recommend taking this journey yourself, if only to remind yourself that you are not alone.”

*DCTheatreScene, “Maboud Ebrahimzadeh, supplely playing a yogi whose motives may be more carnal than transcendental, a yogic soba noodle who twists himself into studly poses to be admired by all assembled…. We are asked to turn it down and tune into the silences that either fill us with peace or paw at our uncertainties and disquiet. Small Mouth Sounds, with its gentle humor and compassion, reveals to us the many ways in which words get in the way.”

*BroadwayWorld, “The silence of Small Mouth Sounds intensifies the emotional impact of every dramatic or comedic moment on stage. Initially, it may be harder to know where the action is onstage but no matter where you look on stage, Small Mouth Sounds delivers engaging theatre.”

*Washington Post, “A vaguely famous, enviably flexible and undeniably handsome man is played with bristling confidence and a catlike smile by Maboud Ebrahimzadeh…. Give this batch of actors credit for being persuasively alive and revealingly interconnected at all times, even when there’s nothing for them to do but wait for the next thing to happen.”

*DCMetroTheaterArts, “Small Mouth Sounds is a rare theatrical experience that not only invites us to think our own thoughts along with the characters but leaves us quiet time to do so. And whether we experience such shared quietude as transcendent or a send-up, this semiserious comedy generously leaves up to us.”

*DCist, “Small Mouth Sounds succeeds as a formal innovation because the cast is evenly terrific. These characters are similarly—and thoroughly—damaged.”