INK at Round House Theatre and Olney Theatre Center

Reviews of INK at Round House Theatre; co-produced with Olney Theatre Center

Here is what they are saying about the show:

*Washington Post, “… expert performances from the likes of Glenn, Ebrahimzadeh, Norris, Wallace and Scofield, names in a cast list that always signal polish and intelligence.”

*MetroWeekly, “Rock solid [is] Maboud Ebrahimzadeh, as stalwart News Editor Brian McConnell….”

*Talkin’Broadway, “Ebrahimzadeh gives an impassioned performance as one of Lamb’s early hires”

*, “Round House Theatre and Olney Theatre Center provided the audience with a multipage printed program full of highly relevant historical information about the complicated market of London newspapers.”

OIL at Olney Theatre Center

Some of the reviews for OIL at Olney Theatre Center! Follow the links for the full articles.

*DCTheatreScene, “Maboud Ebrahimzadeh is mesmerizing in both roles as “the stranger who knocks,” first entering as an American entrepreneur investor in the new energy, oil. Later, as a Libyan OPEC negotiator, he is tough and incisive, and, whatever political stripe you are on, you can’t dismiss the character’s voice, which may indeed prove history is on his side.”

*MDTheatreGuide, “Maboud Ebrahimzadeh captures the charming William Whitcomb as well as the newly empowered Libyan, Mr. Farouk.”