CURIOUS INCIDENT at Round House Theatre

Some of the reviews for CURIOUS INCIDENT OF THE DOG IN THE NIGHT TIME at Round House Theatre! 

Follow the links below to read the full articles and see what they are saying about the show.

*Washington Post, “… several talented performers take on myriad roles… Maboud Ebrahimzadeh also stands out as Christopher’s new, unwilling father figure.”

*MDTheatreGuide, “The rest of this dream cast includes Maboud Ebrahimzadeh… It’s brilliantly acted and produced and an unexpectedly sensory exploration of our world.”

*DCTheatreArts, “a well-conceived production… a theatrical marvel… Round House has assembled a fine supporting cast around the central character.”

*DCTheatreScene, “Round House’s ability to take us somewhere new—a peek inside the human mind—is revelatory and mysterious and well worth a visit to the theater.”


HENRY IV at Folger Theatre

Some of the reviews of Henry IV at Folger Theatre! 

Follow the links below to read the full articles and see what they are saying about the show.

*DCTheatreScene, “There are some wonderful performances — … the redoubtable Maboud Ebrahimzadeh, who achieves great separation in two really different roles….”

*DCTheatreArts, “Each actor in these supporting roles has a unique and captivating interpretation.”

*The Zebra, “Maboud Ebrahimzadeh, plays Blunt and Mortimer, both to perfection! Ebrahimizadeh is an actor’s actor! I never tire of seeing him morph into the different roles he plays.


OSLO at Round House Theatre

The reviews of OSLO at Round House Theatre

Critics are weighing in on the production of OSLO at Round House, and it’s a hit! Follow the links below to read the full articles and see what they are saying about the show. For Tickets and more information visit the Round House Theatre.

*Washington Post, “The most successful players in this epic canvas happen to be Weaver, as Terje’s wife and Norwegian foreign ministry staffer Mona Juul, and Maboud Ebrahimzadeh, portraying Ahmed Qurei, the chief PLO negotiator…. Ebrahimzadeh locates in Ahmed the sensitive human being threatening to emerge amid the testosterone-fueled posturing and the platitudes.”

*WTOP, “the Palestinian side includes Hassan Asfour (Ahmad Kamal) and Ahmed Quire (Maboud Ebrahimzadeh), who delivers the show’s most memorable performance.”

*DCTheatreScene, “a sublime ensemble cast working at their peak of power… Maboud Ebrahimzadeh, in a masterful performance of delicacy and fire….”

*DCMetroTheatreArts, “There is a marvelous, nuanced performance by Maboud Ebrahimzadeh as PLO Finance Minister Ahmed Qurie. He gives a layered voice and strong mannerisms to his character.”

*Talkin’Broadway, “Rilette’s actors understand how to craft detailed, sometimes contradictory characterizations as they talk and come into conflict with each other. Ebrahimzadeh, achingly tender as Qurie recalls his childhood in Jerusalem before the establishment of Israel….”

For tickets and more information visit the Round House Theatre.

OIL at Olney Theatre Center

Some of the reviews for OIL at Olney Theatre Center! Follow the links for the full articles.

*DCTheatreScene, “Maboud Ebrahimzadeh is mesmerizing in both roles as “the stranger who knocks,” first entering as an American entrepreneur investor in the new energy, oil. Later, as a Libyan OPEC negotiator, he is tough and incisive, and, whatever political stripe you are on, you can’t dismiss the character’s voice, which may indeed prove history is on his side.”

*MDTheatreGuide, “Maboud Ebrahimzadeh captures the charming William Whitcomb as well as the newly empowered Libyan, Mr. Farouk.”

KING JOHN at Folger Theatre

The reviews for King John at Folger Theatre! Follow the links for the full articles.

*Washington Post, “Graves and Maboud Ebrahimzadeh are among other cast members who provide sharply defined performances and reveal a masterly ease with the verse.”

*TheatreBloom, “Posner’s creativity and eye for the minute, blended with the raw talent and force of this cast, make this an unmissable experience.”

*DCTheatreScene, ” The haunted eyes of Maboud Ebrahimzadeh as Lord Salisbury reflect great pools of despair and displacement, all adding up to solid ensemble-ship.”