Category: Press
BOGED at Theater J
*DCMetroTheaterArts, “Danny Rotem (Maboud Ebrahimzadeh) makes a much slower progression to the corrupt side. Starting out as a vehement youth possessed with a thirst for answers of truth and righteousness, when the pressure is placed upon him he eventually caves, as cowardly and shamefully as the reporters; only Ebrahimzadeh’s character uses his position within the military as his excusable scapegoat. His fierce start to the show dwindles with the hope for righteousness and by the end he portrays as meek a character as the others that cower in fear of the truth.”
*Washington Post, “The impressive ensemble… compellingly embody the contradictions of a onetime cradle of civilization where the laws of the jungle now hold sway.”
*DCTheatreScene, “Ebrahimzadeh’s Musa is a virtuoso of conflicting feelings and shifting loyalties…”
*Washingtonian, “Special kudos must go to Ebrahimzadeh for his tragic, funny, wonderfully realized Musa.”
*BroadwayWorld, “Played by Ebrahimzadeh… with With humor, dignity, and complexity, Musa is the heart of BENGAL TIGER… Ebrahimzadeh stands out in a uniformly strong acting ensemble. We really see much of the play through Musa’s eyes, and the actor handles the responsibility with truth and a depth of understanding that is riveting.”
*Maryland Theatre Guide “As Musa, Maboud Ebrahimzadeh gives a gut wrenching performance: you see what the war has done to his people.
*DC Metro Arts, “Ebrahimzadeh is superlative – his acting is all of a piece and his cries of anguish sear into one’s soul.”
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SIDE MAN at 1st Stage
*DC Metro Arts, “Maboud Ebrahimzadeh gives an absorbing performance as Jonesy, a fun-loving heroin addict who has you laughing one minute and serious as a stone the next..”
*Stage Views, “The cast of Side Man is a perfect acting ensemble, where each performer seemed to live inside the characters, warts and all.”
*The Tysons Corner, “Moments such as the arrest and beating of band mate Jonesy, incredibly portrayed by Maboud Ebrahimzadeh, are interlaced between scenes with levity and humor.”
AFTER THE QUAKE at Rorschach Theatre
*DC Theatre Scene, “Ebrahimzadeh and Graves each have two wildly different roles and are so good you can tell who they are from their bearing alone.”
*Maryland Theatre Guide, “Ebrahimzadeh segues thrillingly from machismo to uncertainty.”
*Washington Post, “… tender performances by Daniel Cory and Maboud Ebrahimzadeh.”
*CityPaper, “Ebrahimzadeh brings Tom Waits’ vocal cadence to his role as an enterprising homeless man who wants to direct a big movie, and who briefly lures Garner away from her dowdy but loyal beau, Wilson…”
*DCTheatreScene, “It is the story of the boldness and self-confidence of Becker (Maboud Ebrahimzadeh), a man who lives in cardboard boxes and who is, ah, inattentive to matters of personal hygiene, who nonetheless pitches an idea for a guns-blazing conspiracy film, and who nods sympathetically when Susan (Julie Garner) complains about ‘dirt balls’….”
*Washington Post, “Goldman’s youthful cast adopts an agreeably gung-ho attitude — the right affect for this academic evening…”
*Maryland Theatre Guide, “As Becker, Maboud Ebrahimzadeh offers a memorable derelict/poet/visionary.”