*Washington Post, “Maboud Ebrahimzadeh, ferociously bitter and despairing as Judas… unobtrusively nests while the debate largely swirls around him… The play demands everything from whiffs of burlesque to the intensity of chapel, and Vreeke’s 15 actors routinely turn it on a dime.”

*MD Theatre Guide, “Maboud Ebrahimzadeh is a magnetic force to be reckoned with as Judas… Ebrahimzadeh owns each moment he is given and passionately drives it with full force. I have to say Ebrahimzadeh’s final encounter with Jesus is emotionally heart-rending.  His desperate cries from a deep sense of loss and feelings of being betrayed are clearly evident.“

*Washington Citypaper, “…a spherical dais in the center, where the accused (Maboud Ebrahimzadeh) sits or lays, seeming to writhe in a hell more private than the one to which he may soon be banished.”

*BroadwayWorld, “As the title character, Ebrahimzadeh’s performance isn’t so much about what Judas says but more specifically what he conveys… Ebrahimzadeh is giving a focused and stellar performance. We can feel Judas’ struggle by looking into his eyes, and observing his lack of movement and response to others..”


*DCTheatreScene, “the always commanding Maboud Ebrahimzadeh, who utters one sentence about a passport that must have hidden significance…”

*BroadwayWorld, “Every actor is exceedingly adept at showing his/her character’s pain, but determination to get through it all. Balancing humor with dramatic acting, they let the raw humanness of the characters shine through. There’s not a weak link in the bunch.”

EDGAR AND ANNABEL at Studio Theatre

*Washington Post, “edgy, energetic… Ebrahimzadeh magnetically combines a casual facade with bottled fury.”

*The Washingtonian, “In Ebrahimzadeh’s ex-military Nick, Twyford gets more than strong fledgling work. He is the real deal. In this and other shows where we have seen him—as the Iraqi interpreter in Round House’s Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo, and various shows with Forum Theatre—he has never been less than terrific, with the vocal, physical, and psychological heft of a pro. “

*Washington CityPaper, “Maboud Ebrahimzadeh and Emily Kester, each giving an ingeniously calibrated performance… Watching Ebrahimzadeh and Kester, two very good actors, deliver intentionally unpersuasive line readings of intentionally wretched dialogue while revealing their true feelings through action is the show’s most immediate delight.”

*DCTheatreScene, “Maboud Ebrahimzadeh as Nick is a strong, charming presence from the start.  He endears us with his suspicious outlook and obvious resistance to living by a script. The paucity of concrete information regarding life outside the apartment makes him attractive to the audience—for some reason, he’s the one character we trust. “

*BrightestYoungThings, “I was drawn in by the actors, flinching at times, nearly crying at others. It was almost addicting to watch, especially given the difficulty of creating such drama in one room.”

*BroadwayWorld, “Played with grace and authentic, tactical zeal by Maboud Ebrahimzadeh…”

*MD Theatre Guide, “Ms. Kester and Mr. Ebrahimzadeh do a fantastic job portraying the fictitious couple Edgar and Annabel of the play’s title.”

*TheaterMania, “As Nick, aka Edgar, Maboud Ebrahimzadeh brings a bemusing, mysterious nature to the role…”


THE CONTAINER at Center Stage

     *DCTheatreScene, “The ferocity with which actor Maboud Ebrahimzadeh shakes up the group — his explosive temper threatening to trip up his charitable impulses — fuels an astonishing middle act of an already strong show. Ebrahimzadeh has put in some powerhouse performances recently (his work in Keegan Theatre’s A Few Good Men last month and in Round House Theatre’s Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo last fall come readily to mind), and it’s with roles like this that he keeps proving himself as one of the most exciting rising stars in the area.”

A FEW GOOD MEN at Keegan Theatre

*Washington Post, “The engaging Maboud Ebrahimzadeh nails the wisecracking humor and guarded braininess of lead defense attorney Lt. j.g. Daniel A. Kaffee, a Harvard alum whose deceptively flip attitude masks a craving for success.”

*CityPaper, “The best of them is Maboud Ebrahimzadeh as that Harvard lawyer. His confident, winsome performance, admitting just the right glimmer of doubt, proves him plenty capable of carrying a big show on his shoulders. “

*BroadwayWorld, “Maboud Ebrahimzadeh steps up to the plate and hits a home run as Lt. Kaffee, and not just in the softball scene. Ebrahimzadeh inhabits Kaffee’s complex skin – flippant, smart, charming, and irritating – with ease. After seeing this actor in many solid supporting roles (Boged for Theatre J, Side Man, 1st Stage, and his magnificent turn as Musa in Bengal Tiger at the Bagdhad Zoo for Round House last year), it is wonderful to see Ebrahimzadeh command the stage effortlessly as Kaffee.”

*DC Metro Theatre Arts, Maboud Ebrahimzadeh gave the most likable performance I have ever seen. His portrayal of LTJG Daniel A. Kaffee was down to earth, emotionally compelling, and just made you want to hang out with him after the show. He carried this show with aloofness and artistry, creating a character bound to remind you of your cool big brother or best friend while making your heart jump out of your chest with excitement.”

*MD Theatre Guide, “(Maboud Ebrahimzadeh) is the quick-witted, devil may care lawyer who doesn’t seem a Navy lifer. Against type, Ebrahimzadeh is darker-skinned with a shaved head, halting us from cruising to any comparisons. He easily handles the off-putting nature of the character,”

*DC Metro Theatre Arts, “(Maboud Ebrahimzadeh), whose impressive range builds in Act Two to its own emotional detonation.”